Borneo Sumitomo

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₹​932 35%

Product Details


Borneo is a contact and stomach acaricide with contact action for the control of red spider mite in protected tomatoes and aubergines. It inhibits the development of eggs and larval stages of mites (Tetranychus urticae) and can be used on indoor tomatoes and aubergines (egg plants). The product will give best performance if used at the first appearance of the first mobile stages of spider mites. Borneo has residual action of around 45 to 60 days.Borneo should be used at a concentration of 25-30 ml per 100 L of water, in 500-1500 L water/ha; or at a concentration of 35 ml per 100 L of water in 500-1000 L water/ha. The higher concentration of 35ml/100L water should be applied when a high pest population is present.Use sufficient water volume to obtain complete crop coverage.


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