Sectin PI

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Product Details


Sectin PI

Sectin PI 60 WG is a combination fungicide containing Fenamidone and Mancozeb, thereby giving dual contact and systemic activity against Phycomycetes diseases, late blight of potato and tomato, downy mildew of grapes and vegetables and Pythium spp. It also controls nonphycomycetes leaf spot diseases like Alternaria and Mycosphaerella.


Fenamidone inhibits mitochondrial respiration by blocking electron transport at ubihydroquinone: cytochrome-c-oxidoreductase (Complex III). Sectin is a protectant and curative fungicide. Mancozeb acts as non-specific thiol reactant, inhibiting respiration. It is a contact fungicide with protective action.

Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) Classification No. Fenamidone 11; Mancozeb M 3


  • High level of activity against Phycomycetes diseases like potato and tomato late blight, vine and vegetable downy mildews, Pythium species.
  • Also controls non-Phycomycetes leaf spot diseases like Alternaria,Mycosphaerella.
  • Sectin PI has excellent protectant, antisporulant and curative and translaminar activity.
  • Sectin PI has quick direct spore killing effect.
  • Sectin PI does not easily get washed away by rain.


  • Potato: Sectin spray in potato should be initiated as soon as late blight appears and further give 1-2 more sprays depending upon disease re-invasion.
  • Grape: In grape, initiate the sprays 2-3 weeks after pruning or as soon as downy mildew symptoms are seen and give 1-2 more sprays at 10-15 days interval depending upon disease severity.


Crop Target Disease
Potato Late blight
Grape Downy mildew
Gherkins(Cucumber) Downy mildew


Available Pack sizes: 100 g, 600 g



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